we’re local. We source Local.


there are countless reasons to buy local and even more reasons to EAT local!

meet the local farmers that grow our fight juice ingredients


Meet Hunter. The son of an accountant and a school teacher, he runs Snow bird farms in locust grove, virginia (almost entirely by himself!)


Meet Gale Livingstone, affectionately knowN as farmer gale. she is the energetic and fierce owner of the holistic organic, deep roots farm.


Located on more than 50 acres in upper marlboro, maryland, gale can be seen wielding everything from a chainsaw to a tractor to a hori hori- all with love!

Deep roots farm provides varieties of mint for our most popular juice in the summer, the Mint warrior.


Meet Mary! A former peace corps volunteer and founding member of DC’s Harry Thomas Community Garden in Eckington.

Her little wild things city farm, provides nutrient dense kale micro-greens for our Green Warrior juices. a City farm is awesome but we also love that Mary and her team of female farmers share our passion for sustainability.

“We believe that environmentally sustainable, commercially viable farming is possible in urban landscapes—and we're proving it.” -LWT